Upper Tantallon, Nova Scotia

Studio Conveniently Located In

Last call for April classes


Hello Stampers,

This is the final reminder to register for APRIL events.

My next two Cards & Coffee sessions at Cavicchi's Meats restaurant are tomorrow, March 31st, and then April 14th, always at 10:00am.

Make Christmas cards with me in my Be Merry 365 - To Go class. Please register right away, the deadline is coming very up soon. 

Craft and play cards with us online at our Cards & Cards Lucky Hand event on Saturday, April 17th at 1:00pm AT.
Click HERE to see all details and to join us, registration closes April 7th.

Simply Stamp with Me - Sweet Ice Cream Zoom Class is held on April 20th. This is a Live class on Zoom , we will make the projects during the meeting. Click HERE to see all details.  Registration closes April 6th.

Shipping and receiving product in time could be an issue, therefore I urge you to register for events as soon as possible, kit packages are going out by Canada Post and need to be at my customers' homes in time for the classes.

Our North American distribution center is currently shipping a few days behind their normal timeframes.  If your class is FREE with an order, make sure you place it or send me the details right away. I have an order going in by end of day on 31 March. Why not add your list and receive a small gift of embellishments as a "Thank You". Use Host Code EPX7HJ34 with your online order to qualify for the gift.

My online events are open to ANYONE IN CANADA!  Encourage your friends to join us when we craft together.

Question? Ask me by email, call me or text me. 

Be happy, create and stamp a little ....

Christine Sig


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Paper Pumpkin

PP logo 2019Each month a fully designed project kit arrives in a delightful box filled with stamps, ink, and paper—everything cut and ready to go so you can skip to the fun. Just think of it as creativity in a box.


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