Upper Tantallon, Nova Scotia

Studio Conveniently Located In


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Surprise!!!!! 24-HOUR FREE SHIPPING on Tuesday, 21 June (12:00pm MT to 11:59pm MT)

This special applies to any order over CAD$100, Clearance Rack items and Last Chance Product included! The only exception are month-to-month Paper Pumpkin subscriptions.

You can order from my ONLINE STORE or, if you are local and want to just place a smaller order with FREE SHIPPING, contact me by 5:00pm on Tuesday, I would be more than happy to add your order to my workshop order. This only works if you can pick up at my studio location.

Check out current events and class options HERE 

SHOP NOW using Host Code ZT4CXPUT if your order is under $200.

Thank you for your continued support of my small business. I appreciate you very much!


Current Host Code

See here how to use a Host Code
current promotions button
  • Jan - June Mini
  • SAB
  • Annual
  • Scrapbooking Brochure
Product Collection February
Information and Registration
for all our Joint Crafting Events 

Free Newsletter!

Monthly information and regular updates about classes, specials and events. Provide your birthday and mailing address to join my Birthday Club:
join my team button

Paper Pumpkin

PP logo 2019Each month a fully designed project kit arrives in a delightful box filled with stamps, ink, and paper—everything cut and ready to go so you can skip to the fun. Just think of it as creativity in a box.


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