Upper Tantallon, Nova Scotia

Studio Conveniently Located In

Hues of Happiness

A195C301 CDD3 41CF 8505 C1479B49275D


“Hues” ready to craft themselves happy with this suite? The Hues of Happiness Suite Collection is a fun one! The rainbow-inspired color palette is balanced by brushstrokes and canvas textures. 🌺🌈

For more details on this gorgeous suite, just contact me, or click HERE to check it out online.

D88DB5D3 FBBD 4809 BE9E DCB9167B2197 C508CDCA 2F9A 47CB A352 7382196036F1  AB6C97F6 C38E 411D B89F 806212B48E84 6E73496F 2A83 4634 AD6E 1D7766F26B60  E01499D4 4691 4A02 9970 8EACF03F90C6 B633317D F98C 4AA7 9842 57E9EDDD0ED7


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Monthly information and regular updates about classes, specials and events. Provide your birthday and mailing address to join my Birthday Club:
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Paper Pumpkin

PP logo 2019Each month a fully designed project kit arrives in a delightful box filled with stamps, ink, and paper—everything cut and ready to go so you can skip to the fun. Just think of it as creativity in a box.


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Look What You Can Make

Come to one of my upcoming FUN events!

Christmas Card Stamp-a-Stack - November
Thu November 14 12:00AM - 12:00AM
Hand-Made Christmas Craft Market
Sat November 23 10:00AM - 1:00PM
All Occasions Card Stamp-a-Stack December
Thu December 12 12:00AM - 12:00AM
Cards & Cards Lucky Hand - December Christmas Party
Sat December 21 12:00AM - 12:00AM