Upper Tantallon, Nova Scotia

Studio Conveniently Located In

All I want for Christmas....

                           ..... is my own Stampin' Up! Starter Kit

I heard this before, and let me tell you, your time is coming very soon, just hold off a few more days...

Sale-A-Bration 2017 kicks off January 4th, running thru to March 31st.

It’s the best time of year to join Stampin’ Up! during Sale-A-Bration, you can become a demonstrator for just $135 CAD and choose TWO additional stamp sets for your Starter Kit—any stamp set, any price (excludes Sale-A-Bration sets and bundles), plus, the kit ships for free!

So I am just saying .... a $135 gift card from Santa would get you pretty far, and I will be here to help you all they way. 

                                         January 4th is THE DATE TO order your Starter Kit.

Check the About section of my website for info about being a Demonstrator and my Stampingbirds Team. 

                             Contact me if you have any questions regarding this promotion.


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See here how to use a Host Code
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  • Jan - June Mini
  • SAB
  • Annual
  • Scrapbooking Brochure
Product Collection February
Information and Registration
for all our Joint Crafting Events 

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Monthly information and regular updates about classes, specials and events. Provide your birthday and mailing address to join my Birthday Club:
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Paper Pumpkin

PP logo 2019Each month a fully designed project kit arrives in a delightful box filled with stamps, ink, and paper—everything cut and ready to go so you can skip to the fun. Just think of it as creativity in a box.


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