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Soft Pastels -3 Ways to Use - Free Tutorial

Soft Pastels 3 Ways with Daisy Garden

49D44BF9 7698 49AC 84B6 3180CAE9BE99

I am so excited to share the colourful treasure hidden in an unassuming black and white box - the Soft Pastels Assortment. This set includes 8 colours perfect for using on their own or with a variety of colouring tools. You don't have to be an artist to feel like an artist with these gems!

This tutorial shows you 3 techniques for using the Soft Pastels:
- Soft Pastel Nebula Background
- Soft Pastel Magic Reveal
- Painted Soft Pastel

Let's get started!

FEE34009 902B 4F80 8F1B 490E4999A89264641B10 6468 4FA3 8D9E 8A9FC1ABDD49

A28D06AD 42AD 46ED B722 F03DB33C3531

662B0D1D 53CB 49D1 9AE1 A2F298B82485

BF49791A 4B74 4344 845A 03703A83BC42B91B07D5 9F1B 4FF7 9455 97E720740C1E

895569F4 DDE9 44A0 9B47 BA71E4F16E268D39102C B2AF 4A1F 8576 CCBDB80ADEEB

5E748F2A 3619 4A8F 9C48 9405A6C7FA1FCFCE67E5 43C1 4D9A A799 A5C2E19DC005

79BFCE72 6803 475B 826A 1DBC440ABF81D5189401 4C3A 4570 A94A 2597A870C0A7

A203CA19 024F 4611 ADC2 9DC97F7D5242

0E3BBEAF 1068 4AE0 8945 B8EBA6EFE772
029EB23C 0B19 44EA BCB4 A17C962515F0EE76FD03 1DD3 4EB9 BA66 C312608D5B1B

66EF3C9E 7CC1 4B22 AB8F A33AA396D79E40166CB8 93A5 47A6 BE21 B7D7643BC40E

9C985096 ECC3 4FB4 9B5C 6720A78DDB25A0881C5F 0C38 4170 BE51 BB63E68915C6

104E6DF6 92C6 4317 BD2F 01F16D5D12A9E962AD48 35CF 4796 A44F E78541BC1FCD

F1921619 C899 4D73 A1A9 924BE60B2593E0D42B75 27B2 4DAC 82FE A49B8BBC0F96

B6DBE5FC 5BDB 43B0 AF5A 2251C6255A17E14FFF39 1CC8 4874 ACA1 4CF5EA1336D8

AA933A8C 16C1 4F42 BAE3 A4E80CB6F2B188B7E984 D8DC 4E6F ACDA F1F195074FEF


Click on the images below to start shopping!

402BF9B0 488E 4606 9B78 88E370312507 D86C8893 F3F0 4C28 858A DD16DB600D38 2FB80C09 6581 4A56 8337 3245A5CF7D63


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PP logo 2019Each month a fully designed project kit arrives in a delightful box filled with stamps, ink, and paper—everything cut and ready to go so you can skip to the fun. Just think of it as creativity in a box.


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