Upper Tantallon, Nova Scotia

Studio Conveniently Located In

Get your Starter Kit AND Exclusive Gift - Join in February!

The Sale-A-Bration special kit also includes an exclusive set of five 6" x 6" stacks of our newest Designer Series Paper.

Join during Sale-A-Bration and you get an exclusive gift

Join Stampin' Up! during Sale-a-Bration for an exclusive gift

Hello fellow paper-crafter,

It may sound cheesy, but I love what I do. I'm grateful for the difference being a Stampin' Up! demonstrator has made in my life and the community I have gained - especially in these crazy times!


If you are like me, and want more reasons to connect with friends, want to create a group of fun people that you share a great hobby with, or are looking to share your creativity - then maybe it's time you joined Stampin' Up! with me.


Now, only during Sale-a-Bration you will get an extra-sweet deal on your favourite crafting supplies.

And do you know about the many team benefits and incentives my Stampingbirds can get?  You best check it out HERE.
My team and I would love to welcome YOU as one of our new members.

Christine Sig

Choose $165 in Stampin' Up! products for only $135!

Plus, only during Sale-A-ration, you'll also receive a bonus of five 6" x 6" stacks of our newest Designer Series Paper! 


If you don't think demonstrating is for you, joining to get the discount on your personal purchases is a great benefit, too. You can enjoy a discount of 20% or more on all future orders.

So let's recap - For only $135:

Choose up to $165 of any Stampin' Up! products of your choice for your kit. Choose from current catalog items, bundles, and Clearance Rack and even product currently only available to demonstrators on pre-order - Butterfly Bouquet product. Ask me for details!

Free Shipping! The starter kit ships FREE for another 10% savings.

No risk! You will have through the end of your first full quarter to "test drive" demonstrator discounts and benefits. If you join now, the end of June would be the end of your first full quarter.

No penalty! If you reach $400 (rounded up) in sales by the end of your first full quarter, you automatically remain active for another quarter. If you don't reach $400 in sales, you can "drop" with no penalty, and you keep everything from your Starter Kit.  And don't forget: $400 in sales at 20% discount means $320 before shipping and tax.

No catch! There is no obligation to hold workshops or parties, sell products to others or personally purchase anything beyond the kit.

Whether you join to share creativity, hold workshops and earn money, or get a great discount on your personal orders, we have options for you. All while doing what you love to do - stamp and share!

View Starter Kit Suggested Items, just in case you are unsure what to pick
More Details on My Stampin' Up! Website


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Product Collection February
Information and Registration
for all our Joint Crafting Events 

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Monthly information and regular updates about classes, specials and events. Provide your birthday and mailing address to join my Birthday Club:
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Paper Pumpkin

PP logo 2019Each month a fully designed project kit arrives in a delightful box filled with stamps, ink, and paper—everything cut and ready to go so you can skip to the fun. Just think of it as creativity in a box.


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