Upper Tantallon, Nova Scotia

Studio Conveniently Located In

Fun time crafting with kids

Fall has definitely arrived in Nova Scotia and today was a perfect day for a little crafting session with neighbourhood kids.
It was fun. Four young ladies joined me to decorate test tubes as treat holders and paper crates to set them in.
The also made a nice card to give to their mom as a Thank You for paying for class fees.
  Test Tube Class 2
Table set, workspaces organized, candy ready to be eaten, let the class begin! 

Test Tube Class 3     Test Tube class 1


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Paper Pumpkin

PP logo 2019Each month a fully designed project kit arrives in a delightful box filled with stamps, ink, and paper—everything cut and ready to go so you can skip to the fun. Just think of it as creativity in a box.


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