Upper Tantallon, Nova Scotia

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Bold May Colour Inspiration

blueberrybushel callmeclover pineapplepunch

For this month's Colour Inspiration I'm saying a fond farewell to the bright and beautiful 2018-2020 In-Colours and a couple of the most popular retiring stamp sets.

When you need a bright pop of cheerful colour, the retiring 2018-2020 In-Colours are a great place to start. These bold, primary colour inspired hues are perfect for summertime crafting, floral and outdoor images, and memory keeping for sports teams

The first project brings wishes for a brighter day and features the retiring Beautiful You stamps set (#151412), retiring Pineapple Punch Stampin' Blends (#147280), Woodland Embossing Folder (#139673), Whisper White Craft Ink (#147277) and Stitched Shapes Dies (#145372).

The second project is a perfect spring thank you featuring the retiring Daisy Delight stamp set (#143669), Leaf punch (#144667)- SOLD OUT and 1/2" Circle Punch (#119869) and the coordinating Daisy (#143713) and Medium Daisy (#149517) punches.

Bold May Colours 1

Isn't it amazing how colour influences the recipient of such a bright and delightfully coloured cards.  I find it hard to imagine that these cards would not brighten someone's day.

All supplies are available for purchase in my Online Store, retiring items are available while supplies last.  SHOP NOW

Thank you for visiting my blog and website. 
Be safe and happy, make sure to take time to create and stamp a little ....

Christine Sig


BeautifulYou 1 DaisyDelight 1 PinapplePunch 1


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Paper Pumpkin

PP logo 2019Each month a fully designed project kit arrives in a delightful box filled with stamps, ink, and paper—everything cut and ready to go so you can skip to the fun. Just think of it as creativity in a box.


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