Upper Tantallon, Nova Scotia

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My Wonderful Family - April 2020 Paper Pumpkin

At Paper Pumpkin, they believe in making a difference—especially when it comes to helping subscribers build relationships through papercrafting. For April, they created a fun, family appreciation themed card kit that would make it easy for crafters to share their hearts with those they love most: mom, dad, daughter, son, sister, and brother. April’s kit even includes Mother’s Day and Father’s Day sentiments, giving you the perfect way to show your appreciation for beloved parents on their special days with a beautiful, handmade card.

This is truly a “fam-tastic” kit: The Paper Pumpkin team knows that everyone’s clan is unique. With that in mind, they provided sentiments that would include anyone in your life who feels like family; for instance, “brothers” and “sisters” who have helped you along the journey of life. 

You don’t want to miss this kit!

To order your own April 2020 kit please subscribe HERE

Let me wish everyone a good week, don’t give up hope, stay home, keep yourself and others safe. We are in this together, we will succeed in this fight!

Be happy, and take some time to create and stamp a bit,

Christine Sig


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Paper Pumpkin

PP logo 2019Each month a fully designed project kit arrives in a delightful box filled with stamps, ink, and paper—everything cut and ready to go so you can skip to the fun. Just think of it as creativity in a box.


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